My name is Ayrat Badykov. I am a software developer based in Moscow.
Kazan Federal University - Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology Kazan, Russia
Master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Honours), 2014-2017
Kazan Federal University - Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology Kazan, Russia
Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Honours), 2011-2014
OMG Network May 2020 - Present
Elixir developer (Plasma implementation)
POA Network April 2018 - December 2020
Ethereum developer (Elixir)
- Ethereum client in Elixir - Mana
- Ethereum blockchain explorer - Blockscout
Bookmate August 2016 - April 2018
Backend developer (Ruby, ROR, Kotlin, Java, Elixir)
- Digital book processing service in Java
- Digital comic book processing service in Kotlin
- A couple of smaller services in Java, Elixir
- Mailing functionality in main ROR monolith
Govermedia plus Septemper 2015 - August 2016
Backend developer (Ruby, ROR, Elixir)
- Media file storage service using amazon s3, riak cs
- Media file processing service
Open Source projects
Blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based networks
Mana - Ethereum full node implementation written in Elixir
ExRLP - Elixir implementation of Ethereum’s RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding
ExABI - The Application Binary Interface (ABI) of Solidity for Elixir
EthBloom - Ethereum’s bloom filter implementation in elixir, integrated in Mana
ExSecp256k1 - Rust Native Implemented Function (NIF) that wraps a couple functions from the libsecp256k1 Rust library. It only wraps secp256k1 functions used in Ethereum
BN - BN128 elliptic curve operations for Elixir, used in Ethereum’s zkSNARKs
- Hornet - simple library for stress testing
Frankenstein - Telegram bot API client for Rust
Ethereumex - Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain
El Monitorro - RSS and Atom feed reader as a Telegram bot. It’s written in Rust
UploadcareEx - Simple Elixir wrapper for Uploadcare API
BalalaikaBear - VK API wrapper for Elixir
ExRiakCS - Riak CS API wrapper for Elixir
Machine Learning
CLOPE - Elixir implementation of CLOPE: A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data
ROCK - Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes
Fang - Background job processing library for Rust.
Cronenberg - Simple cron command entry parser in Rust
- Life Balance - endless runner mobile game (landing):
Google Play Apple Store Web version itch.io
- mix.el - Emacs Minor Mode for Mix, a build tool that ships with Elixir
- cargo-mode - Emacs minor mode which allows to dynamically select cargo command
- company-elixir - company-mode completion backend for Elixir