Emacs setup for Rust
Recently I was debugging one issue in the racer - a completion tool for the rust programming language. I’ve been using the racer for a couple of years in my emacs setup and it’s been very useful. But I noticed the following disclaimer in its Readme a couple of days ago: “Racer is not actively developed now. Please consider using newer software such as rust-analyzer”.
Even though the racer still works fine in my text editor, I decided to try rust-analyzer
. It inspired me to create this short post with all emacs packages that I’m using for rust development.
I divided packages into two lists. The first list is packages specific for Rust, packages from the second list can be used with other programming languages.
Rust packages
rust-mode - major mode for Rust. Every programming language needs its major mode in Emacs. A major mode handles indentation and syntax highlighting. Rust mode does this job.
cargo-mode - Emacs minor mode which allows to dynamically select a Cargo command. I wrote it myself. The reasons behind this package can be found in the post.
rust-analyzer (through lsp-mode). From its Readme, Rust-analyzer is an implementation of Language Server Protocol for the Rust programming language. It provides features like completion and goto definition. Rust analyzer can be used in emacs through Lsp-mode - Emacs client for the Language Server Protocol.
General Packages
More Lsp Packages. You can find more extensions in lsp-mode’s guides. I use lsp-ui, lsp-ivy, lsp-treemacs.
projectile - Project interaction library
magit - Interface to the version control system Git
treemacs - a tree layout file explorer for Emacs
More packages
You can find all packages that I use in Emacs in my emacs configuration.